Thursday, September 5, 2013

So, I'm on of those girls who secretly loves Star Wars. Ok, maybe not so secret. I have a Darth Vader stuffed animal I got from my best friend who also shares the secret but no so secret love for Star Wars. I even considered getting a Yoda backpack at Universal Studios, but then I looked at the price tag. It would be that super awesome backpack, or dinner. Eating is a necessity, unfortunately Yoda backpacks are not.
 They totally should be, though. This thing is awesome.

If you haven't guessed it already, Yoda is my favorite. He's the cool, small, green dude who can kick some serious sith butt. Yoda, to me, is the one that stands for good. He is always fighting the bad or preparing others to do the same. I think that's why I like him and Star Wars so much. It shows the good, the fall of good, the rise of evil, the fall of evil, and in the end good triumphs. It relates a lot to the life we live in now, especially when we see so much evil. I totally wish Yoda would come hobbling out and do what he does best, but I got someone even better on my side. God.

Being a Christian is so great because I know God is on my side. That's why I love the song, Whom Shall I Fear, by Chris Tomlin. The chorus goes like this, "I know who goes before me, I know who stands behind, the God of angel armies is always by my side. The one who reigns forever, He is a friend of mine, the God of angel armies is always by my side....Whom shall I fear."

Seriously, whom shall I fear? God will always be by my side fighting the battles with me. I bet some of the other Jedi's thought, "Oh I got nothing to be afraid of... Yoda is with us." God will always reign in the end, goodness will always prevail. If you're having doubts I have another hopeful reminder.

There was once a very holy and awesome man named Jesus, and He taught goodness and truth. Some people didn't like this and thought crucifying Him would take care of the problem. But they didn't know this was the plan for salvation, and Jesus rose from the dead on the third day. See they tried to kill goodness and truth, but it can't be done. It will only rise above, and continually give hope to everyone who is willing to believe.

Yeah, sometimes I get a little fearful about the evil that surrounds us, but then I always remember, "If God is for us, who can be against us?"

Yoda may have not defeated the sith himself, but he trained the one who did. Guess what else? God has called us each to be His light in the darkness, to be that glimpse of hope, and to show that there is good.
I'm praying for you.
Megan Therese